D i g i t a l D e s i g n

Rafael Costa

PhD in Design at PUC-Rio researching virtual reality, Master in Teaching at PPGEB-Cap UERJ (2018), with the object of investigation the process of using and developing 3D virtual reality applications in classrooms, using agile methodologies of development of projects such as Scrum and Kanban. He holds a postgraduate degree in Computer Graphics and Multimedia (2005) from the UERJ, where he also graduated in Visual Arts (2004). Has experience in art for games, digital illustration and animation (2D/3D), working mainly on the following topics: digital art, virtual reality, conceptual art and teaching. He is currently Visual Programmer at the Laboratory of Information and Communication Technologies at UERJ (LaTIC), Visual Arts teacher at the Rio de Janeiro Municipal Department of Education and Design teacher at the School of Communication and Digital Design (ECDD-Infnet).
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